Monday, April 27, 2015

Fredrick Douglas Life

Summary: Fredrick Douglas was a former slave who became a free man who preached on behalf  of the slaves.                      
                                                          Fredrick Douglas Quotes

Quote: "the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped, is considerable..."

Meaning: Fredrick Douglas is trying to emphasize how far he's had to come since he's been a slave. If you look at the deeper meaning of his words its truly amazing because not to long ago he was just a piece of property but now he is speaking in front of an educated group of people. It is important because this brings hopes to all slaves.

Quote: "The simple story of it is, that, 76 years ago, the people of this country were British subjects."

Meaning: Fredrick Douglas is basically saying that America was Britannia's slaves, so why is America now embracing the idea of slavery.

Quote: "The Fugitive Slave Law makes MERCY TO THEM, A CRIME.."

Meaning:  Fredrick Douglas is saying that what little mercy slaves have the Fugitive Slave Law takes it away from them.

Quote: "the seats of justice are filled eith judges, who hold their offices under an open and palpable bribe.."

Meaning: Fredrick Douglas is saying that the judges are bribed, because an American judge got paid ten dollars for every victim he consigned to slavery.

Quote: "the doom of slavery is certain"

Meaning: Fredrick Douglas knows slavery will end, he just doesn't know when. Therefore he was hopeful for the end being near.

 Fredrick Douglas

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Abolitionist and Women's Movements Share many of the Same Beliefs

     The Seneca falls speech and Fredrick Douglas speeches shared many of the same views and points. Although Fredrick Douglas fought for the abolishment of slavery, and the Seneca falls speech fought for women's rights they both shared many of the same valid points. Both speeches fought for equal rights. Both speeches highlighted the fact that everyone should be equal no matter what gender or race. Both speeches referred back to the Declaration Of Independence; the DOI stated that "all men are created equal". With that being said both speeches highlighted the fact that if our DOI sates that everyone should be equal then why aren't they. Although the two speeches were wrote for different reasons they both shared many of the same beliefs.

Monday, April 13, 2015


- The arctic ice is melting

  • Scientists believe arctic ice has set an all time low world record
  • arctic sea is home to many birds, sea creatures, polar bears, ect...
  • according to NASA the arctic surface is 5.61 million square miles and about 50,000 square miles below average
The arctic sea is melting and it is causing many species to suffer like the arctic polar bear. I personally believe climates are starting to change yearly. Summer is happening later each year, and so I believe that the climate change is having a drastic affect on the Artic Sea. This also changes my personal life, because now when I goto the zoo I see less polar bears. 

A polar bear jumping over ice

Arctic ice melting