Sunday, November 23, 2014

Religion in early 1800s

The second great awakening was the powerful religious movement of the early 1800's. The movement started in the back country of Kentucky and Tennessee. Like the great awakening a 100 years earlier, it was an evangelical movement that affected the Protestants. A Christian religious movement is considered evangelical, when it includes:

1. the Christian bible is the final authority

2. salvation can only be achieved through the belief of Jesus

3. witnessing for Christ


B - Biblical Authority - The Bible is the authority for the Baptist’s faith and practice.The Churches', or Pastor's, or denominations' teachings or traditions about the Word of God are not the guiding instruction for the churches' ministry or a person's life. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matt for putting man made traditions on a higher level of honor to be followed than God's commands. Yet this happens in some denominations today.

A - Autonomy of the Local Church - In Revelation Christ is clearly seen as the head of the local church and He deals with each church separately and by himself not through a hierarchy of rulers or an association.
These scriptures along with many others dealing with individual local church matters. Therefore this is why Baptist churches should be independent Baptists churches free of all outside interference.

P - Priesthood of believers - Every child of God is a priest who is able to enter boldly to the throne of grace to God the Father.

T - Two church ordinances - There are two traditions the local church are to follow; baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Baptism by immersion is required of all who want to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ In Matt. We are shown that those being baptized were baptized in large amounts of water therefore Baptists don't sprinkle or baptize none believers such as children.Communion or the Lord's Supper is the churches' celebration of the crucifixion and return of the Lord

I - Individual Soul Liberty - This teaching shows that any person can worship God as they feel directed by the Word of God or their own fleshly desires. They must remember they are priests with their privilege and responsibility. They must realize that they will be held accountable by their wrong choice. Rom.

S - Separation of Church and State - Believers are to render unto the government the things it is given authority over but unto God the things due Him, therefore Baptists do not accept government funds or their interference.

T - Two Church offices - There are only the offices of Pastor and Deacons according to the Bible.Pastors shepherd the flock, They are sometimes called elder, bishop, overseer, or the minister of the church but they are names for the same person.Deacon are servants to take care of the things they can in order to relieve the demands for the pastors time so they can pray and study more.

S - Saved membership -Members of a Baptist church must have received Jesus Christ as their Savior.Salvation is not by works or sacraments but only by trusting Christ as one' Savior.

Baptists source


The Methodists believe:

God is all-knowing, possesses infinite love and goodness, is all-powerful, and the creator of all things.

God has always existed and will always continue to exist.

God is three person one, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

God is the master of all creation and humans are meant to live in a holy covenant with him. Humans have broken this covenant by their sins, and can only be forgiven if they truly have faith in the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ

Jesus was God on Earth (conceived of a virgin), in the form of a man who was crucified for the sins of all people, and who was physically resurrected to bring them the hope of eternal life.


Every individual should be encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of life.

Everyone is capable of reasoning.

We do not need any other person, official or organization to tell us what to believe.


Mormons believe:

Mormons believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Believe in the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testament, use King James version.

Also use The Book of Mormon, “another testament of Christ” which supports the Bible.

Have a very family-centered theology, emphasizing fidelity and committed parenting.

Focus on service in neighborhood and community and living by traditional values.
Are involved in over 2,000 community service projects throughout the world. (Many young men and women volunteer as full time, unpaid missionaries (55,000 are currently serving throughout the world)

Presbyterians and Congregationalists

Congregationalists believe that there should be no central church organisation and each congregation should be independent, hence the name. Where as Presbyterians are just the opposite.

                              A women praying

                           In church service

          People gathering hands to pray

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Letter home from the west

                                                                                                                                              Cole Conlon
                                                                                                                                       12 California St.
                                                                                                                                  Gold rush city, 3901
                                                                                                                                            May 10, 1848

Dear mom and dad,
     California has been quite crazy. I came here in hopes of striking it rich, but the gold rush is no longer the reason I am still here. I met a girl here and I hope to settle down with her. However myself alone has panned four ounces of gold in just the last week. I plan to send back a portion of the gold collected to you guys. Be sure to tell everyone else I said hi.  I bet yall are wondering about my journey here, now let me tell you it was as wild as the west.
     Along my journey I met so many knew people and learned so many new things. My wagon train broke down but lucky for me I met a wagon mechanic. It was only a minor fix. Anyways as he was fixing my wagon, he told me a story about George Donner. Aperantly this guy George Donner's wagon broke down in the middle of the Sierra Nevada Nevada during the winter. People eventually found him but when they did, they discovered he ate his family to survive. Hearing that gave me the chills down my back, and made me that much more thankful for meeting someone who could fix my wagon as fast as Dave.
     Life here is hard and much more expensive. I personally feel that salesmen are taking advantage of the vulnerable workers. They are selling shovels for eight dollars, back home I could one for four dollars; here the cost of living is doubled. There must be five fights a day just in my community alone, tensions are rising as the gold rush begins to slow. Living here isn't all that bad though, it does have it perks, it almost never gets below sixty-five degrees. You should see the beaches, there nothing like the ones back in Massachusetts.
     I plan to head back home to you guys and settle down with my soon to be wife. Once the gold rush is no longer productive ill be coming home with all my earnings. So far I have made twelve-thousand dollars. That's enough to buy you guys a new home, who knows, maybe we'll all settle down out here. I miss you guys so much, I hope to so you soon. For now farewell I love you all, see you soon.


The pass that I traveled going threw the Sierra Nevada

My broken wagon wheel

"We have it rich." Washing and panning gold, Rockerville, Dak. Old timers, Spriggs, Lamb and Dillon at work
Where I pan for gold


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Election Day

     National elections in the United States dates, are set by federal law and not by the constitution. Federal Elections are always on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November of every even numbered year. Why Tuesday? In the 1800's under an early federal law, the electors for the electoral college were to meet in the individual states on the first Wednesday of December. And according to a 1792 federal law, the elections in the states had to be held within a 34-day period before that day. So rather than having every sate having a different election in November, some one came up with the idea or a national election day. Today some states recognize election day as a civic holiday, in other words states require that workers be permitted to take time off from employment without loss of pay. Today, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia all recognize election day as a national holiday.

Massachusetts Congress representatives


Sen. Edward Markey (D)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D)


Rep. Niki Tsongas (D - 3)

Massachusetts 3rd Congressional District

All of Massachusetts representatives are Democratic

Source: Who represents You in the U.S. Congress

Massachusetts representatives

Senate Eileen M. Donoghue Eileen M. DonoghueDistrict: First Middlesex (Democratic)                                 
House             David M. Nangle David M. NangleDistrict: 17th Middlesex (Democratic)                   

source: Massachusetts Representatives